“As you walk to the boundary of your understanding into the twilight of uncertainty, exercising faith, you will be led to find solutions you would not obtain otherwise.” Elder Richard G. Scott.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Kinda sappy

Today I want to blog about my kids. 
I am going to turn comments off just because. 
Feel free to email me or message me if you know me.

Some days, I cannot get over how much I really truly LOVE my children.
They are these amazing little spirits that feed my soul.
This morning L was headed out the door and he realized that he forgot to kiss his little sister M goodbye.
He turned around so he could give her a hug and a kiss and said "I love you M!"
(this is a pre-teen boy)
She looks at him with a bit of mischievousness in her eyes and says "I love you too sweetheart"
At that moment, I knew I was the most blessed mom around.
I started to get a bit teary and said a prayer of gratitude that I have 3 children. 
Gratitude that they love each other.
Gratitude that they are willing to protect each other.
Gratitude that they are grateful for each other. 
People have asked me "How do you get your kids to love each other?"
To be honest, I am not sure what I have done.
I show them love, I give them love, I let them love, I let them show love.
When I had each of my kids, I let them be passed around so they could feel the love that people have for them and their soul.
When I had B, he was really close in age to L. 
So many people told me "Don't let your older one hold your baby"
I am so glad I ignored that advice!
I let him hold him, kiss him, hug him.
They are very close.
When I had M, the biggest problem was that I didn't have 2 kids, each of the boys was always wanting to be the one to hold her.
I let them help with everything, including diaper changes.
They bathed her, they changed her clothes, they burped her.
If I did it, they did it. 
Except nurse her.
Although B tried one time!
Poor little man didn't realize he didn't have the proper plumbing.

The past while I have been focusing on the kids having less time on the TV and computer.
What a blessing!
B has become the happiest little man around town!
He had become quite the grump, not any more!
He is happy, willing to help and be helped, kind and considerate.
I knew it was a good thing when I felt that prompting.

M has been walking around the house all day saying stuff like, "I love you mom" "I just love that you are my mom" "I love being here"
This is the kind of day that is filling my cup and making me feel like my cup runneth over.
I am so grateful for them blessing my life.

I love you my kids,

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Loved it!

There is this little constant thing about mothering.

I know in my family, we need to make changes.
NONE of us are perfect, but I would hope that at the end of the day, we each tried our best.
Over Christmas holidays, I felt very strongly like computer time and tv time needed to be limited.
It's hard because Mr. M does not really feel the same as me.
I realize that we grew up in different environments.
He grew up watching tv, we only had rabbit ears and rarely watched tv.
I knew that I had been given that prompting for a reason. 
We have 2 tv's in our house, one up, one down. 
Mr. M is the one who goes downstairs to watch tv.
The computer is upstairs so it's quite easy to limit time on the computer.

I made it a goal to be up before the kids so I could work hard to have the tv and computer off when they rolled out of bed.
They like to come out and flip on the tv, drives me insane! 
There are several changes I have noticed in our kids.
They are HAPPIER!
They play more with their siblings!
Their imagination's are absolutely fantastic!
They are more willing to help out around the house!!!
They have wanted to spend more time with me or Mr. M just doing things that don't require them to be "entertained" just plain old fun, like playing Risk!

I would love this year to work harder at each of us spending less time on the computer and parked in front of the tv, doing mindless things.
I want my children to learn to just "be"
By that, I want them to learn they don't have to be entertained, that they have these amazing little minds and they are so creative. 
That they don't need a computer or a tv to tell them what to do, that they can fly with their own imagination.
So many times when we are out I will give them my phone so they can look thru pictures (I don't have any games on my phone)
I want them to learn to enjoy the moment for what it is and that while the pictures on my phone are fun and mostly of them, I want them to be able to be comfortable with who they are and that they don't have to have a phone or something to entertain themselves. 
Sometimes when I get a prompting as a mom I feel clueless as to why or how it will fall into place.
But you know what, it always works out for the best.
Every time!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Theme for new year

I have been thinking about what I would like my theme to be for next year
As I look back at the past year, I was able to see how situations defined me
Some were good, some were bad
It made it very easy for me to decide on my theme for me for next year

"Let the good define you"

I looked back to this past year and saw how I let negative situations define me
I didn't really like that I did that
Sometimes, I focused on those way more than they deserved my focus
I want to be a better person, I want to be a better person, I want to see the good
The only way I can do that is to FOCUS on the GOOD
There is SO much GOOD out there but for me and who I am, I sometimes let the not so good get to me instead of learning from it and moving on

I know this year will be full of challenges that will come my way and I have a choice
I know that it is my responsibility to choose 
And my hope is that by the end of 2013, I will have let the good define me!